Enova SF feedback on our win of the European Hydrogen Bank funding and some kind words and appreciation from Norwegian leaders

“I would like to congratulate Skiga on winning the first auction round for the EU’s hydrogen bank. It is gratifying to see that a Norwegian player is asserting itself internationally. Together with Enova’s own investments in hydrogen, this lays a good basis for restructuring and emission cuts both in shipping and in industry” – Norwegian Climate and Environment Minister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen

“This is a big day for Norwegian industry. We are incredibly happy that Norwegian players are targeting the European support schemes and providing important and necessary resources for the transition in this country” – Astrid Lilliestråle, Director for Technology and Market Development at Enova SF

“This is fantastic news for the Norwegian hydrogen investments. Congratulations to Skiga! We now see how much it means that Norway takes part in the EU’s hydrogen bank. I look forward to following the project moving forward” – Norwegian Energy Minister Terje Aasland

A BIG thank you to Enova SF for your continued support for SkiGa and Fuella!

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